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Pink October in the social media
Special report on how social media can raise awareness and inform about breast cancer.
[Language: English]
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Preventing is cheaper than tackling dengue mosquito
Report on how tackling the Aedes aegypti mosquito costs less than treating dengue, zika, yellow fever, and chikungunya.
[Language: Portuguese]
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A Streamlined Approach to Ethics Review in Brazil
A critical evaluation to improve Brazil's ethical model. This paper won the Brazilian Health Compliance Association award.
[Language: English]
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A discussion on the challenges for cancer patient to participate in clinical trials in Brazil.
[Language: English]
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Patient Safety: Hospital Accreditation In Brazil
Scientific article on the importance of hospital accreditation for patient safety.
[Language: English]
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Brazilian public healthcare system actions to care for children with microcephaly
How the Brazilian government dealt with children born with microcephaly after the Zica virus outbreak.
[Language: English]
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Images of scientists in science dissemination for children
How scientists are presented in the dissemination of science for children.
[Language: Portuguese]