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Oh, Healthy Day!

Health benefits of hugs – and why they feel so good

The coronavirus pandemic evidenced it well when hugs were probably at the top of the list of things you missed the most. 

[Language: English]

Photo by Freepik - 
Oh, Healthy Day!

Sing it out! Seven ways that singing benefits your health

If you enjoy singing, you have more reasons to start chanting. Find out seven ways that singing benefits your health.

[Language: English]

random letters, content writing, editing, translation
Photo by Freepik -
Oh, Healthy Day!

Why relationships are important for health

Beyond making us feel happy, relationships bring essential benefits for our health!

[Language: English]

Oh, Healthy Day!

random letters, content writing, editing, translation
Photo by ArthurHidden -

Reading book benefits your mental and physical health
Besides having a good time, people who enjoy reading fiction books for fun reap many physical and mental health benefits

[Language: English]

random letters, content writing, editing, translation
Photo by Alex Green -
Livre, Leve & Linda

Simple ways to prevent hepatitis

Straightforward information to prevent viral hepatitis.

[Language: Portuguese]

random letters, content writing, editing, translation
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on
Livre, Leve & Linda

Infographic: How to take care of your mental health

I've put together a list of simple ways in which you can prioritize your mental health.

[Language: Portuguese]

random letters, content writing, editing, translation
Photo by USP

Interview with Wilson Bueno

Check out the interview with this journalist, writer, professor, and current president of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Journalism (ABJC).

[Language: Portuguese]

random letters, content writing, editing, translation
Photo by
Kantar Health Brazil

Movember encourages men to care for their health

To make men aware of the importance of caring for their health, Blue November (Movember) focuses on prostate cancer prevention.

[Language: English]